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A Man Could Go Quite Mad Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Mystery of Edwin Drood: OBC
Notes: Great High Baritone/Tenor song
Online Since: 29-Aug-2005
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(Clive Paget enters as John Jasper in choral robes. Smiles and bows to the audence, then suddenly sings)
Another trifling day
One more soul stifling day.
A blinding pain
Boredom grinds my brain
Down to the Grain
(Jasper takes some pills from a pillbox and ingests them)

A man could go quite mad
And not be all that bad
Consider each superb disturbing urge you've ever had.
To curse aloud in church or choke each bloke who throws a smile your way!
Be that as it may,
A man could have bad dreams
And not be all he seems
Yet not be far removed from all the noblest of extremes
Sometimes I think that sanity is just a passing fad
A man could go quite mad
(Sits in a chair looking into a mirror)
Unblessed are the dull
One ceaseless, peaceless lull
Some wonderous night
Stormstruck, thunderous light
will cast me right.
(Jasper removes his choral garb to change into his regular clothing)
A sculptor lacking arms
A sorceror lacking charms
A fiend who frightens no one for there's no one that he harms
Who clutchs at the only desperate respite from this grim tableau
Knowing this is so
I hide myself in thought
Where one cannot be caught
And feed on dreams that contradict each edict I've been taught
And if someday I lose my way and mind you'll find me glad
A man could go quite
(quietly) man could go quite
(very loud) man could go....quite mad!

A Man Could Go Quite Mad Lyrics

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