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Like A Child Lyrics

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Like A Child
(Sweet Water)

Daddy, don't come see me
Daddy, please don't come to me
Think of me how I used to be
All your friends must be so upset
A secret word, so well kept
What are you gonna say when I'm gone?
What are you gonna say when I'm gone?

Remember me like a child
Let me slip away
Remeber me like a child
I could still smile it all away
Smile it all away
Smile it all away

Now, what you say, I don't wanna hear
'Cause you should have said it long ago
And you know that now it's not my problem
'Cause my body's drying in the sun
Oh my god, what have I done?
Am I just another one?
Just another one
Just another one

Remember me like a child
Let me slip away
Remember me like a child
I could still smile it all away
Smile it all away
Smile it all away

All away, all away
All away, all away
All away, all away
All away, all away

Like A Child Lyrics

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