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Here's To The Next Time - Elton John (Released In Lyrics

Album/Collection: Misc 65-75
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Like I said baby
If you go astray
Well then go on
Go your own sweet way
I thought you knew by now
You do just what you please
And here's to the next time
Here's to the next time

How many times
Have you gone before
And how many times
Have I forgiven you once more
Never had to wait
Like I waited for you
And here's to the next time
Here's to the next time

When you're gone
The time drags by
I wish you'd learn
Not to make me cry
To make me cry

So if you're gonna leave me
Never to come back
Break it to me gently
Or my world will crack
So be sure to let me know
That I'll never say
Here's to the next time
Here's to the next time
Here's to the next time

Here's To The Next Time - Elton John (Released In Lyrics

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