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Dizz Knee Land Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Dizz Knee Land by dada
I just ran away from home
Now I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land
I just crashed my car again
Now I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land
I just robbed a grocery store
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land
And I just flipped off President George
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land
I just tossed a fifth of gin
Now I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land
I just got cuffed again
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land [yeah]
Shot my gun into the night
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land [ohhh]
I just saw a good man die
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land [c'mon]
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land [hey... what?]
Kicked my ass out of school
Rolled me out into the streets
Hitched a ride on a monkey's back
Headed west into the back
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land [yeah yeah]
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land [ohhh]
I'm goin' to Dizz Knee Land [yeah yeah yeah]
Typed in by listening to the song by Gary Adkins ([email protected])

Dizz Knee Land Lyrics

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