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Breakin' Hearts Lyrics

Album/Collection: Everyday Man
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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by Gary Chapman

I don't know where you go
As you run through your day
But I'm sure now and then
Someone looks your way
I know you're breakin' hearts
I know you're breakin' hearts

Stop your car for some gas
With no forethought in mind
When some guy gets convinced
You are just his kind
I know you're breakin' hearts
I know you're breakin' hearts
I know you're breakin' hearts
But you're savin' mine
Savin' mine, oh, yeah

I'm not blind to the looks 
When we walk through a crowd
But they don't make me mad
They just make me proud
I know you're breakin' hearts
I know you're breakin' hearts
I know you're breakin' hearts
Girl, I know you're breakin' hearts
I know you're breakin' hearts

You could have anyone
You might happen to see
You could choose anyone
But you still choose me
I know, girl, I know

I know you're breakin' hearts
I know you're breakin' hearts
Oh, girl, I know you're breakin' hearts
Oh, I know you must be breakin' hearts
But you're savin' mine

Savin' mine, savin' mine, savin' mine, yeah
Girl, I know
I don't care 'cause you're savin', savin' mine
Oh, yeah
Go ahead and break some hearts
Just keep savin' mine

Breakin' Hearts Lyrics

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