Home > Rock & Pop > Boy Sets Fire >
Rookie Guitar Tablature
I haven't seen 1 tab for this song, and i ask myself...WHY NOT?!  this song is kick ass! This is how I play the song, it sounds pretty close too..

           intro thing
|-------------------------66-55-88-55-66-55------repeat as needed---|
 after the intro                     verse/chorus

|----------------------------------10-10-10-10-10p8 8-8-8-8-8h10-10-10
|77777555/77777-verse again then-------------------------------------
               2nd verse
|----------------------------------|       back to 2nd verse


for the bridge i improvise using the after intro with the pull offs on

|-------------------   im not sure how he plays this part but if u use that
|-66-55-88-55-66-55-    you should be able to get something good sounding 
|-------------------    for this part...(u don't have to play it exact..
|-------------------      improvise!)

|--------15-17-15----|         |-----------15-17-15----|
|--15-13----------13-|         |--15-15~13----------13-|
|--------------------|   x2    |-----------------------|   x2
|--------------------|         |-----------------------|
|--------------------|         |-----------------------|
|--------------------|         |-----------------------|

|---------------------------|  reapeat as needed then back to verse/chorus!!

and that's it! this song is from the band i did not help create this song in anyway
i give full credit to the band
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