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Hate Made Me Guitar Tablature
Artist		:	8 Foot Sativa
Song		:	Hate Made Me
Tabbed by	:	Ashish Kumar ([email protected])

Tuning		:	B,F#,B,E,G#,C# (Low to High) 	

Well, this  should be around 80% accurate...i know the tuning is...The tempo isn't included in this, so you'll have to figure it out urselves. Its played really fast...and the bass does a lot of work to thicken up the sound.Just play along with the song since the time is included for the guitar different parts. Have fun. Lemme know if there's anything wrong with this.

Intro(Riff 1)

0:11(Riff 2)

0:21(Riff 3)


0:54(This one is played fast with slight palming on the bridge, to cut back on the noise)

|--3--3-3--3--3-3--3-- 5--5-5--5--5-5--5----|
     PM..    PM..	 PM..	 PM..

Riff 2		(1:35)
Verse		(1:44)
Prechorus	             (2:00)
Chorus		(2:21)
Riff 1		(2:41)
Riff 2		(2:52)

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