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Fair and Guiling Copesmate Death Guitar Tablature
Fair and 'Guiling Copesmate Death (guitar tab)


.  - palm mute               /  - slide up to
  - slide down to           ~  - vibrato
h  - hammer on               5b(7) - bend to
p  - pull off                (7)r5 - release bend from
tr - trill

I've only transcribed Guitar 1, the rhythm guitar, for Guitar 2 plays mostly
the same thing, plus simple harmonies at times. These ad lib harmonies are
usually played a fifth higher than Guitar 1 and are easy enough to improvise.

Ye Structure of ye Song:
Riffe I times four
Riffe II times four
Riffe III times four
Keyboard Interlude
Riffe III times four
Fille I
Vincent Price Alarum
Riffe I times four
Riffe IV times two
Fille II
Riffe V times two
Riffe IV times two
Fille II
Riffe V times four + Ye Ende

Tune downe Thine Lute to D

RIFFE I                       FILLE I   FILLE II
|------------------------|    |-----|   |------|
|------------------------|    |-----|   |------|
|------------------------|    |-----|   |------|
|--5--4-------2----5---7-|    |--9--|   |--4-5-|
|--3--2----5--2----3---5-|    |--7--|   |--2-3-|
|----------3--0----------|    |-----|   |------|


RIFFE III                1.      2.
               . . .  .


   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . .
                                                        Subtitute this
                                                        Parte for Ye Ende
                                                        ye Final Time.
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