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Planet Caravan Guitar Tablature
"PLANET CARAVAN" (Black Sabbath) as covered by Pantera
 -- comp. Black Sabbath [Tony Iommi], 1970 (from _Paranoid_)
 -- covered on "Far Beyond Driven", 1994  
   -- rhythm guitar & bass tab/"arr." by tcg, 198?, 1994
   -- 4/4 // key of Em // Slowly
   -- rhythm guitar: reverb preferred (phaser or similar "wave" device
        nice, too--or just face amp into blowing fan [kiddin'])
   -- guitar plays 2 measures (one time thru) before bass comes in . . . .
   -- Lead from Pantera version also
NOTICE: CAREFUL !!!!!!!! The lead is not correct as to timing and note    
                         space, the only exception is the (sometimes)
                         long spaces between phrases
   GUITAR                                              [repeat thruout;
     Em(/9)        .                     "DM6/11" [sic: GM7/D]
 ||    1   &   2   &   3   &   4   &       1   &   2   &   3   &   4   &   
 || BASS [notes right--your guess as good as mine on actual strings]       
 ||o---------------------------7h9-----|-------------------(7b)8 r
 . : staccato (cut short--first Em chord)
 * : slight bend 
 % : eighth-note rest
 r : let down a previous bend
 ====: hold tone thru count (legato arpeggio)
 ^^^^: improvisations at this point after first playing (listen to the CD) 

 LEAD . . .



     1/2                                                full
                 b(full)     b(full) R                      full

           full     full      2 steps    2 steps                    h  h

   p  p                              p
       b 1/2  R  p                 full                  1/2  

         1/2                1/2                                 b full  R
              b full R                 b full R  p         b 1 1/2 steps

Any Questions, comments, etc... 
Would be greatly appreciated!!
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