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Are You There? Guitar Tablature
"Are you there?"
tabbed by: Diego "changfoogibperez"([email protected])
Drop D and half step (Db,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,eb)

b= bend
x= mute
= slide down

A little before the end of the intro bend up gradually.

Main Riff
For the verse part do this same thing but palm muted.



Aprox. 1:49 second guitar is playing this along the main riff
*These are 10's not 1's and 0's

Bridge (2:55)
¦----¦ ¦---¦ ¦---¦ ¦---¦
¦----¦ ¦---¦ ¦---¦ ¦---¦
¦-10-¦ ¦-7-¦ ¦-5-¦ ¦-3-¦
¦-10-¦ ¦-7-¦ ¦-5-¦ ¦-3-¦
¦-8--¦ ¦-5-¦ ¦-3-¦ ¦-1-¦
¦----¦ ¦---¦ ¦---¦ ¦---¦
Doesn't show the struming, it's very easy for you to figure it out.

Second time fill with this

Solo (It's very easy but I hope it's right and understandable)



That's it, enjoy and make sure to tell me if there is any mistake.
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