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Beginner - Random Metal Stuff Guitar Tablature
i just learned Frantic by Metallica today and started playing it and making up my own parts..so with some inspiration i made up this little metal riff.
u can basically play it how ever you want. i like to start of slower, then speeding up until very fast.

|--0000000--7-5-0000000--7-5--------------| play this twice, or 3 times then:


i dont know if this is allowed but i play the frantic main riff after this, but like this:

|-75066-6-75066-6-75066-75-00000----------| play this with the 3 top strongs if u like too.like this


then if u want play the real frantic main riff after this, it sounds great after this.

in the 1st chord you can also use the 7th fret and 5th fret more instead of so many '0's ..so its a bit more like    

|-----750750------75007500----70-055----------|  u know what i mean :P

well thats it, i might update as i invent some more stuff. play it however you want but play it fast and distorted!
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