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Pushing Me Away (maybe Right) Guitar Tablature
Linkin Park
Hybrid Theory
Dropped D, down one half step (C#,G#,C#,F#,A#,D#)
Tabbed by Revelation1114

This may or may not be correct, but it sounds a little better to me than some of the other tabs here
If it sucks, don't hate me


Intro and Verse

Chorus 1/Intro (probably not the right amount of repetitions, you figure it out, lazy ass)

Guitar 1
Guitar 2

ok, it took me awhile but i think why this didnt sound right by the other tabs was because this song is with 2 guitars (mike and brad) who are playing octaves. in the next part, i left out the octave part because its a pain in the ass to write, so just match the chords with the first part.

Chorus 2 (its just chorus 1 straight into chorus 2)

Intro (x1)
Chorus 1 (x1)
Intro (x4)
Chorus 1 (x2) 
Intro (x4)
Chorus 1 (x2)
Chorus 2 (x2)
Chorus 1 (x2)
Chorus 2 (x2)

If i am horribly off, please put in a correction and don't just set my house on fire.
Send all comments, suggestion, hate mail to [email protected]
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