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I Was There Guitar Tablature
Date: tue,24 july 2001
From: Joe 201 ([email protected])
Group: Green Day
Album: 1039/smoothed out slappy hours
Released: 1990 lookout records
Track: 3
Title: i was there




verse - this is for strumming, but you can hear billie picking the chords






looking back upon my life and the places that i've been
pictures, places, girls i've loved i try to remember when
faded memories on the wall, some names i have forgotten
but each one is a memory i look back on so often
i looked into the past i want to make it last 
i was there looking back what i have done there's lots more life to live
at times i feel overwhelmed i question what i can give
but i don't let it get me down or cause me too much sorrow
there's no doubt about who i am i always have tomorrow
looking back upon my life faded memories on the wall 
looking now at who i am i don't let it get me down
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