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Bittersweet Guitar Tablature
Riff 1 (Solo)
---Play flowingly.
---Not 2 hard;not 2 soft.     
---" is used in place of bar line.         
                                                           play for 2 beats
            play as 1 note                       play as 1 note   || 
                 |---|                                |---|      //
                 |tie|                                |tie|       / 

                                play on upbeat of beat 1
          play as 1 note     play as 1 note||
               |---|            |---|---| //
               |tie|            |tie|tie|  /

Riff 2 (Bridge(1))
---Pause between the 5-5-3 chord & 10-10-8 chord.
---Strum X's very fast; strum using chord next to X's.
---Every tie in the song is played as 1 note, except 4 this 1 and a couple 
   others, slide up to the note, then strum it again.

Riff 3 (Verse)
---Play EVERY chord, even if slid 2, with the exception of the 9-9-7 chord, 
   which is just slid 2.
---Play all chords on downbeat, except 9-9-7 chord, which is on upbeat of 
   beat 4.
---Seperate each chord with pause, except chords that are slid 2.
---Every tie in the song is played as 1 note, except 4 this 1 and a couple 
   others, slide up to the note, then strum it again.
---Play X's on last time ONLY, but NOT the last time the verse is played,
   then just skip them.
           |tie|            /
           |---|           //
                    play last time only

Riff 4 (Chorus(1))
---Play both sets of X's using chord 9-9-7.
---Palm-mute both sets of X's.
            play as 1 note

Riff 5 (Bridge(2))
---Play with same sound as Verse 1.
---1st 2 chords are played the same, then the rhythm after that changes.
               |---|                    |---|
               |tie|                    |tie|
          play as 1 note           play as 1 note

Riff 6 (Chorus(2))
---Play both sets of X's using chord 9-9-7, on the D-A-E strings.
---Palm-mute both sets of X's.
---Make the slide @ the end of this riff long.
---At the end of this riff, slow it down just a little bit, the 2nd to last 
   measure, the last couple beats.
                  |---|              |---|          |---|
                  |tie|              |tie|          |tie|
             play as 1 note     play as 1 note play as 1 note

Order of Song:

Solo-------1x                                 Solo-------1x

Bridge(1)--2x          Bridge(1)--2x          Verse------1x        
Verse------4x          Verse------4x          Bridge(2)--1x                 
Chorus(1)--1x          Chorus(1)--1x          Bridge(1)--3x
Bridge(1)--3x          Bridge(1)--3x          
Chorus(1)--1x          Chorus(1)--1x          Bridge(1)--3x
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