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Unstable Chorus Guitar Tablature
Tuning is in Low A so ADG( these are the only strings you need for the low part) Now this part is hard to tab out due to rythem but these is somewhat how it goes, play along with the song and u will get the rythem down . - means slide to note.
A 33 3-2 33 3333 3-2-44 4 33 33333 3333 3-22 2  33 3333 3333      33 3-2 3333 33 222
D 55 5-4 55 5555 5-4 66 6 55 55555 5555 5-44 4  55 5555 5555  444 55 5-4 5555 55 444
G                                                             666 
 well folks again this isnt the exact ryhtem but its better than nothing, i noteced that no one had the chorus and this is the best I could do, to me this is a great song and please rate my tab. 

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