Added: 26-Nov-2013 From: bambusdiana Snoops: 2883 times
Length: 1:59 no rating
Hen Ferchetan Can Gymreig Draddodiadol (Traditional Welsh Song.) Hen Ferchetan is a traditional welsh song used often as the first composing prack of Music GCSE in Wales.
Added: 27-Oct-2013 From: Guest Snoops: 3221 times
Length: 0:0
traditional music
From: bambusdiana
Snoops: 2883 times
Length: 1:59
no rating
Can Gymreig Draddodiadol (Traditional Welsh Song.)
Hen Ferchetan is a traditional welsh song used often as the first composing prack of Music GCSE in Wales.
From: Guest
Snoops: 3221 times
Length: 0:0
From: Guest
Snoops: 2334 times
Length: 1:0
no rating
CRAB+ ေအာငါ+အိကုိ
CRAB+ ေအာငါ+အိကုိ- မင္းေပးခဲ့ေသာ
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 2600 times
Length: 0:0
ထူးအိမ္သင္- အလြမ္းမီးလ်ွံမ်ား
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 2369 times
Length: 2:51
no rating
ေဇာ္၀င္းထြဋ္- အေပၚထပ္နဲ႕ေအာက္ထပ္ဇာတ္လမ္း
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 2267 times
Length: 4:11
no rating
ေဇာ္၀င္းထြဋ္- ဘ၀သခင္
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 2390 times
Length: 4:23
no rating
ထူးအိမ္သင္- အရင္အတုိင္း
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 2190 times
Length: 4:49
no rating
မုိ႔မုိ႔ေဇာ္၀င္း - ခ်ာခ်ာလည္
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 2185 times
Length: 3:0
no rating
ထူးအိမ္သင္- တကယ္လုိ႕မ်ား
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 2196 times
Length: 2:39
no rating
ေဇာ္၀င္းထြဋ္- ဖက္ရွင္မေလး
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 2151 times
Length: 2:34
no rating
ဘုိဘုိဟန္- ပြမ္ပြမ္ၿမည္တဲ့ကားေလး
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 1951 times
Length: 2:38
ဆူဇီ- ရတုအဆက္ဆက္
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 1829 times
Length: 0:0
no rating
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 1883 times
Length: 5:20
no rating
ကုိင္ဇာ- အလြမ္း
From: asmoe007
Snoops: 1838 times
Length: 3:48
no rating