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Alive (Reprise) Lyrics

Album/Collection: Jekyll and Hyde
Online Since: 17-Apr-2005
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Animals trapped behind bars at the zoo
Need to run rampant and free!
Predators live on the prey they pursue
This time, the predator's me!

Lust, like a raging desire,
Fills my whole soul with its curse!
Burning with primitive fire,
Berserk and perverse!

Tonight I'll plunder heaven blind,
Steal from all the gods!
Tonight I'll take from all mankind,
Conquer all the odds!

And I feel I'll live on forever,
With Satan himself by my side!
And I'll show the world
That tonight, and forever,
The name to remember's
The name Edward Hyde!

What a feeling to be so alive!
I have never seen me so alive!
Such a feeling of evil inside-
That's the feeling of being
Edward Hyde!!

Alive (Reprise) Lyrics

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