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Golem Lyrics

Album/Collection: Angel Rat
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I know, I know, from the assembly line
I know, I know, the three laws of my

I was not made to smile
I was not built to lie
I ask my positron self
why am I born apart

we work alone inside the big dome
there's no reason for my eyes to glow
every night, every morning
every day

I know, I know, all data and functions
I know, I know, the power of the sun

I don't care what I am
I am the never man
I ask my kindred spirit
why do I dream of kites

whatever to serve my master
anything to save my master

I know, I know, the passage of my time
I know, I know, the same old daily grind


Golem Lyrics

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