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Hope Lyrics

Album/Collection: Naveed
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Hope climbs atop of the piano 
reaching out towards the warmth of the sun 
some man tries to ask her down 
but now maybe that's where she belongs 

my god she said, 
i'm the sunflower who wants 
my god he said, 
this woman is gone 
into the dark 
is there anybody there 
my god she said

he climbed up top to find that she was slipping
Let her go, let her go, let me go 
how long must we leave before we're winning 
they don't know, they don't know they just don't know 
If she can't be there I know it's best that 
nothing is denied 
If she can't be there it's best that 
everyone change sides 

Hope Lyrics

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