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Get Some Lyrics

Album/Collection: All You Can Eat
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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everyone, everyday
looking for some
along the way
somethimes you wonder why
it seems love just passes by
love will pass your way again

anytime, anywhere
you turn around
and love is there
someone with something new
right there in front of you
someone with the stuff
you can't get enough
of it

when love surrounds you

**go on, get some
take all that you're given
go on, get some
get some of the love
that you're giving someone

when love surrounds you
when love...
when love surrounds you

go on, get some
take all that you're given
go on, get some
get some of the love
you're given

just go on, get some
get some of the love
you're giving someone

Get Some Lyrics

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