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CumDumpster Lyrics

Album/Collection: Cannibal Songbook
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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C-c-c-c-call me cum dumpster

C-c-c-c-call me a cunt

C-c-c-c-call me clever, is that still ok?

D-d-d-d-did you watch the TV, or hear it on the radio

Brought up on after-school specials, am I still ok? (ok)

You call, I'll answer

Make me understand

Why I have to hate you

That's still ok

C-c-c-c-cum dumpster


C-c-c-call me clever, is that still ok?

D-d-d-d-d-did you tap the payphone

Or read it in a magazine

Become the after-school specials, are we still ok? (ok)

You call, I'll answer

Make me understand

Why I have to hate you

That's still ok

C-c-c-c-cum dumpster


C-c-c-call me clever, is that still ok?

D-d-d-d-do you still need me

Now that I'm a monster

Paranoid, media-frenzied, tell me I'm ok...

You call, I'll answer,

Make me understand

Why I have to hate you

That's quite ok

You call, I'll answer

You ask, and I'll lie

Why I've learned to hate you

That's quite ok, quite ok

CumDumpster Lyrics

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