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The Hail Blessing Lyrics

Album/Collection: The World Of Your Dreams
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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When the havens and the earth were finished,
God's creations sang on high
The heavens clapped, the mountains danced,
And tears fell from the sky.
The cold wind whistled furiously
And turned those tears to ice,
And snow and hail and crashing sounds
Started falling from the skies.
For the rumblings and crashing in the sky
For the mountains that dance with the heavens on high,
For the tears that fall and are touched
By the winds and by the cold,
We sing praises to the One of Being
Whose power and strength filss the world.

Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha'olam,
Shekocho u'g'vurato malei olam (2x)
Eish u'varad, sheleg v'kitor,
Ruach s'ara, osa d'varo.

Blessed is Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe,
 whose power and migh pervade the world.
Fire and hail, rain and vapor,
 stormy wind, fulfilling God's word.

The Hail Blessing Lyrics

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