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If There's A God On My Side Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Wheel
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I walk through the wind, the snow and the rain
And no one is there when I fall
The sound of my heartbeat
Is all I have left
But you know once I had it all

The prayers of a fool are spoken in haste
And I'm just the one who would know
But I'm sending signals
'Cause I'm falling deeper
Than I though I could go

If there's a God on my side
Why don't she show me her face
If there's a God on my side
Could she live in this place?
If there's a God on my side
Is she inside these walls?

If there's a God on my side
Why don't she show me her face?
If there's a God on my side
Could she live in this place?

If there's a God on my side
Is she inside these walls?
If there's a God on my side
Could she not hear me call?

And I keep on calling
Oh I  keep on calling

If There's A God On My Side Lyrics

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