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Hush Guitar Tablature
3|-2------13----X-11----2------13----X-11----------|  . . .*** you. . .
6|(0)------------------(0)-------------------------|  [Rhythm Figure 1]
1|---------------------------- |Play 3x|--------------------|
2|2/4-4-4-XX-0-----------3-(0) | then  |2/4-4-4-X-0---------|
3|2/4-4-4-XX-0-----------2-(0):|       |2/4-4-4-X-0---------|
4|2/4-4-4-XX-0---------0-0-(0):|       |2/4-4-4-X-0-3--2--0-|
5|0/2-2-2-XX-0-2/32-0------ |       |0/2-2-2-X-0-3--2--0-|
6|-------------2/32-------- |       |------------3--2--0-|
  [Verse]:. . .can't say what I want to. . .
Play Rhythm A muffled, and slowly release towards end.
  [Chorus]:. . .even if I'm just kidding. . .1|----------------------------- |
2|4-4-4-4--4-4-4-42-2--2--2-2- |Play 4x3|4-4-4-4--4-4-4-42-2--2--2-2-:|
4|4-4-4-4--4-4-4-42-2--2--2-2-:|5|----------------------------- |
6|----------------------------- |Play Rhythm Figure 1 once
  [2nd Verse]:. . .people tell me what to say. . .
1|--------------- |  Play muffled        |-------------------------------|
2|4-------------- |  four times then     |-------------------------------|
3|4--------------:|  play it clear twice |-------------0-4~~-2-4-2-------|
4|4-------------0:|  with just the root  |4~~--------0-------------2-0---|
5|2-----------0-- |  note of the chord,  |---2-3-2-0-------------------2-|
6|----2-3-2-0---- |  then play ------->  |-------------------------------|
Play Chorus Riff four times:. . .can't say what i want to. . .
  [Happy interlude where Maynard gets something off his chest]:
  . . .*** yourself. . .you piece of ***. . .go *** yourself. . .
1|--------- |Play 4x |------------------------------|Play 4x |-----------|
2|4-2------ | then,  |------------------------------|followed|-----------|
3|4-2------:|        |------------------------------|  by:   |-----------|
4|4-2------:|        |------------------------------|        |-----------|
5|2-0--2-3- |        |3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-3-3-|        |-----------|
6|-----2-3- |        |3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-------|        |2-2-2-2....|
  [Improvised buhle-solo #17, don't hold me to this one kiddies]
 Alternate between the left and right columns, playing one bar from each.
  i.e. play bar1, bar2, bar1, bar3, bar1, bar4, bar1, bar5...  (b = bend up)
1|-----------|      |-b--b------|-b---------|-b---------|-----------|
2|2/4-4-4-X-0|      |12-12----13|15-15----15|12-12----12|12-12-12-10|
3|2/4-4-4-X-0| then |11-11--11--|14-----14--|11-----11--|11-11-11--9|
4|2/4-4-4-X-0|      |-9--9-9----|12---12----|-9----9----|-9--9--9--7|
5|0/2-2-2-X-0|      |-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
6|-----------|      |-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
    [bar1]             [bar2]       [bar3]     [bar4]      [bar5]
Play Rhythm Figure 1 once: . . .people tell me what to say. . .
  [Outro]:. . .Just kidding~~~~. . .1|--------------------------------------|
2|-[It may be bass, but it's still fun]-|  Play 6 times
6|X-X-X-X-X-X-X-9-----------------------|. . . . . .Ya!

i dont really have anything to say about this, sorry if its kinda confusing though
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